In special memory of the late Helen Lester: for her enthusiasm for forming iphYs, her contribution to the HeAL statement and her dedication to improving the lives of people and families affected by mental illness
Helen Lester
Professor Helen Lester was a HeAL co-author who sadly passed away before it was launched. The Lester UK adaptation of the cardiometabolic resource is named after her.
The James Mackenzie Lecture 2012: Bothering about Billy by Helen Lester
In this 2012 James Mackenzie Lecture, Helen Lester argues that people with psychosis have poorer health and social outcomes than the general population; that this is related to a range of issues including negative stereotypes of people with psychosis; and in part because of poorer primary care but that primary care is ideally placed to provide first rate health care for people with psychosis. Helen describes some of the things that we could do simply and easily to improve the health and health care of people with psychosis...more
Professor Helen Lester encouraged GPs to make people with serious mental illness their "core business" at the Royal College of General Practitioners' AGM in London recently (16/11/12) and to adopt a new mantra to improve their care: don't just screen, intervene - and from an early age. Professor Lester, GP, made the comments during her James Mackenzie Lecture which she entitled 'Being Bothered About Billy' from a poem by Simon Armitage. This is a recording of her lecture.